Fridays 5 with Pamela Crane

Pamela Crane is a North Carolinian writer of the best-selling psychological thriller The Admirer’s Secret, A Fatal Affair, and A Secondhand Life. Along with being a wife and mom of three rug rats, she is a wannabe psychologist, though most people just think she needs to see one. She’s a member of the ITW, ACFW, and EFA, and has been involved in the ECPA, Christy Awards, and Romance Writers of America. Along with delving into people’s minds—or being the subject of their research—she enjoys being a literary reviewer and riding her proud Arabian horse, when he lets her. She has a passion for adventure, and her hopes are to keep earning enough from her writing to travel the world in search of more good story material. Grab a free book on her website at, or check her out on Facebook at

1.) When did you first get serious about writing?

A.) I first started “competitive” writing at 8 years old when I wrote a poem dedicated to my grandfather after he died, which I submitted to a poetry contest and won $200. Though sadly, my mom didn’t let me spend it all on candy. I never stopped writing after that, but my next serious writing venture came after a traumatic stalker experience (no, I wasn’t the one doing the stalking, although my husband is convinced I stalked him, which I avidly deny) in which writing became my therapy. That “therapy” turned out to be my debut thriller novel, The Admirer’s Secret.

2.) What is the hardest part for you about writing?

A.) Writing comes naturally for me. I even became a publishing house editor because of my passion for the written word. However, for me it’s the time constraints that are the hardest to get around. I have three kids ages four and under, plus baby #4 on the way, so as you can imagine, finding time to write is tough. But I have a supportive family that gives me dedicated writing time—a must-have for this momma, since writing is the only alone time I get, and it keeps me sane!

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3.) How did you feel upon publication of your first completed project?

A.) There is nothing more thrilling than seeing your own words released to the public. Was I nervous it wouldn’t sell and end up a flop? Yes—it’s every writer’s worst nightmare. Was I prepared for the amount of post-writing work involved? No—I never even thought about marketing before. I only wanted to write. But it’s been a fantastic learning curve, and after putting the time and effort in, I’m finally able to reap the benefits of quitting my editorial day job to focus on writing.

4.) What is more important to you, story, or character? Why?

A.) How can I pick? Characters without an emotional dynamic are flat, and a story without tension and release is boring. I think both are crucial to a story that leaves a footprint on the reader—characters we can relate to and a story that grips us.

5.) What is a typical day like in your world?

A.) Chaos. I wake up to at least one whining kid and spend most of my day in a whirlwind of changing diapers, making meals, cleaning messes, distilling fights, and juggling demands. It’s not until after bedtime when I can sit down and relax, which usually consists of reading, writing, or catching up on work and e-mails (I still work part-time for a publisher since it prevents my mind from turning into mush from dealing with the kids every day). J


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  1. Thank you so much for hosting this interview with me, Richard! It was a pleaure to do. :)
