Fridays 5 with KP Smith

I love to read and it was my love for reading that ignited my passion to write. I am currently penning the Growing Pains Series. The First Book Kendra’s Diaries is available for purchase. The Second Book New Beginnings will be available soon. The Third Book Decisions is currently being penned. When I am not reading and writing I have lots of other hobbies to occupy my time. I love Sports football, basketball, tennis, golf yeah basically all of them.

I’m also a big TV watcher (maybe too big? Nah no such thing). I love my soaps; soaper for life love my night time dramas. These are enjoyable and a perk also helps with my creative thinking/writing process. The only thing better than watching my favorite shows is watching it with millions of others via twitter!! I’m a major tweeter!
I also love a good movie. I am a Social Media junkie but it can’t replace some good old fashion talking…love good conversation.
I work in the insurance company by day. I have a wonderful family life including two wonderful sons.

I live in NOLA (New Orleans, Louisiana) home of Mardi Gras, Jazz, great food and Southern Hospitality. WHO DAT!!

1.) When did you first get serious about writing?

A.) In 2007 after going through Hurricane Katrina I made several life changing decisions. One of the decisions was to get serious and  to begin to write the book I had been talking about for years.   The book turned into The Growing Pains Series.

2.) What is the hardest part for you about writing?

A.) Finding the time finding the time finding the time. Once I can find/make the time the rest is a cake walk.

3.) How did you feel upon publication of your first completed project?

A.) It was the biggest sense of accomplishment I felt since graduating from college. My writing journey has totally transformed the  way I look at success vs. failure. Every time I reach a milestone I know I’m that much closer to fulfilling my dream.

4.) What is more important to you, story, or character? Why?

A.) What a difficult question! In my mind they are one in the same. But if I have to choose one I’m going with story but once you do it successfully great characters can’t be too far behind.   

5.) What is a typical day like in your world?

A.) 5 days a week I juggle my daytime job, family, and the daily routines of life while trying to find/make time to write and do marketing. On the weekends it’s much easier to invest time in my writing and I utilize them as much as possible.

Click on cover for more info or to order

Synopsis: Meet Kendra Foster. She’s right in the middle of the roller coaster ride of growing up. Her family seems to be in a permanent state of disarray. High school is right around the corner and there is only one school she wants to attend but it is going to take a miracle for her to go. She finally made the cheerleading team which is the best thing that has happened since forever. But much to her dismay this wreaks havoc in a completely unexpected way. Then she has one year left to get Jamie’s attention yet she hasn’t been able to do that since fourth grade. And with the new girl everyone is going crazy over she doesn’t have much of a chance does she? Life is coming at her from all sides and she is determined to keep it all together. Kendra’s Diaries is the first installment in the Growing Pains series. During the twists, turns, ups and downs Kendra will develop courage, faith and perseverance. She will learn no matter what happens in life always remain positive and never give up. Life has a way of working itself out.

Authors website:

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