Fridays 5 with Robert Arrington

Robert Arrington spends his days posing as an unassuming computer technician for a large law firm in Raleigh, NC. But by night, he transforms into a (hmm, how to put this politely?) unassuming writer of super heroes fiction. Not exactly the wisest career choice, but we deal with reality as it is.

He lives in Raleigh with his wonderful wife of thirteen years, Lucille, who has indulged this misadventure into the realm of writing and publishing with surprising good grace. When he is not writing, he can generally be found at home trying to help his children (son, age 11, and daughter, age 9) with their homework and whatever else requires attention..

Twitter: @MHatter57

1.) When did you first get serious about writing?

A.)  I dedicated myself to completing my first novel in January 2014. It took me about 18 months to get to the end, but hopefully the sequel will go quicker now that I've got a little experience.

2.) What is the hardest part for you about writing?

A.) Plotting the course of the story is the hardest step for me. I have to have the scope of the story laid out before I begin writing, so I can spend half of my time agonizing over the story's structure before I ever begin writing the opening scene.

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Alice Littleton, gifted with the powers of Wonderland, draws a catastrophe down on herself when she tries to use them in aid of a kidnapped child. Now, she and her father are being pursued by a relentless paranormal intent on recruiting other supers- or eliminating potential competition. She finds her way to Prometheus Academy, a new school with a truly empowered student body. When the school comes under attack, Alice must decide whether to run again, or take a stand against the forces threatening her and her new friends.

3.) How did you feel upon publication of your first completed project?

A.) The day I held the first copy of my finished book in my hand is etched in my memory. The euphoria was less about potential earnings, which I know will be slow in coming, if they ever do. It was all about my sense of pride in producing a work I am satisfied with, despite the flaws I am only too well aware of. I can't wait to recapture that feeling with the next book.

4.) What is more important to you, story, or character? Why?

A.) Story is more important. The character concepts are crucial, but once you've got them firmly in mind, there are so many paths you can take to share them with the world. Discovering the best story those characters can tell is where the real artistry lies.

5.) What is a typical day like in your world?

A.)  I get up, go to work, pick up the kids from school, and come home to whatever needs doing - housework, helping kids with homework, etc. Sometie in there, usually late at night, I try to write.

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