New Discovery: Gristle & Bone

New Discovery: Gristle & Bone by Duncan Ralston

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Short and novella-length dark fiction from the twisted imagination of Duncan Ralston.

After doctors tell her she can't be pregnant, Candace learns that not every child is a gift.

Disgraced soldier Dean Vogel returns to his hometown and confronts the bullies, and a horrifying event, from his past.

A reporter uncovers what really happened to the latest internet sensation, a troubled girl who disappeared on camera.

Gonzo pornographers learn a brutal lesson following a tragedy they inadvertently caused when life imitated "art."

Anti-social conspiracy theorist Mason Adler’s life is turned upside-down when he begins receiving eerily personal and prophetic spam that could be heralding the Apocalypse.

A couple discovers the secret of a tourist town's prosperity may lie in its sinfully delicious cuisine.

When successful restaurant owners Jim and Leanne Taymor confess to a grisly series of small town murders, their neighbor learns the gruesome truth that led them to kill. In Knee High, Nebraska, someone–or something–has been stalking household pets in the dead of night… but would they rather be hunting us?

About the author

Duncan Ralston was born in Toronto, and spent his teens in a small town. As a "grown-up," Duncan lives with his girlfriend and their dog in Toronto, where he writes about the things that frighten and disturb him. In addition to his twisted short stories found in GRISTLE & BONE, THE ANIMAL, and the charity anthology THE BLACK ROOM MANUSCRIPTS, his debut novel SALVAGE is available now.

"Mr. Ralston writes horror fiction that is unflinching and pulls no punches." - Kit Power (author of GodBomb!), THE GINGER NUTS OF HORROR

"Duncan Ralston is writing honest stories about real people, pitched headlong into extraordinary situations. And that is what makes them so horrifying." - Ken Preston (author of the Joe Coffin series), DIRGE MAGAZINE

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