Friday's 5 with Jennifer Frank

Physician by Day...Writer by Night.  Jennifer's love of writing grew out of the many meaningful moments she has shared with patients - some joyful, often emotional, always special.  Her initial essays, appearing in medical journals and literary magazines, allowed me to work through the ups and downs of a medical life. 

An avid reader, she adores a great story.  Eventually, she decided to create her own.  She does not outline, instead the story develops as she write, "so I am often as engrossed with what will happen next as if I was reading a book created by someone else."  The characters are her favorite part of any story she writes.  "Too bad I will never meet them in real life!"

When not stamping out disease or coaxing patients to eat their veggies, or composing the next scene, she is kept busy with her four crazy nutballs - her children and her wonderful and supportive husband.

1.) When did you first get serious about writing?

A.)   My day job is my work as a physician.  I started writing seriously as a way to process the emotions that I experienced in working with my patients.  Writing down the stories allowed me to think about, reflect on, and rediscover the truths in my experiences with patients.  I continue to find a deep sense of fulfilment in writing about the ways that patients touch my life.
A few years ago, after the birth of my 4th child, I decided to enter a writing contest.  I had about four months to start and finish a novel.  While I didn’t win the contest, I did finish the book and have been polishing it for the past several years.

2.) What is the hardest part for you about writing?

A.) Finding the time.  With a full time job and family, I find it challenging to carve out time to write.  My discipline is pretty terrible as I tend to go on writing binges and then put it all aside for weeks or months at a time.

Synopsis: If you had a chance to do over your biggest regret, would you take it? When Alison learns the terms of her aunt’s will require that she reverse her life and take the road she rejected six years ago, she has to determine if she can trust herself to make the right decision or if she will be pressured once again to allow someone else to choose for her.

Alison lives a comfortable, safe, life advocating for women at the domestic violence shelter where she works and being bossed around by her cat. When her dynamic Aunt Elinor decides to tie Alison’s inheritance to successfully completing law school, Alison confronts the past that led her to choose love over the law – and lose at both.

As Alison battles through law school admissions, the challenges mount both personally and professionally. Will she sacrifice her dreams again to satisfy her new love, Ryan, and her Aunt Elinor?

3.) How did you feel upon publication of your first completed project?

A.) So many emotions arose when I saw my first novel on Amazon.  I felt pride, of course, that something I created was complete.  I also felt vulnerable as my friends, family, and acquaintances know me as a doctor, wife, and mom but not as a novelist.  Most of all, I was in awe that my dream finally came to fruition.

4.) What is more important to you, story, or character? Why?

A.) The story is by far the most important part, although I can’t say that I’ve ever thought about this question before now.  I definitely enjoy characters in my own stories and in others, but the story, particularly when it is artfully crafted is what intrigues me and keeps me reading.  The story, more than the characters, is what draws out my emotions.

5.) What is a typical day like in your world?

A.)  I work my full-time job seeing patients or doing administrative work as a physician leader.  I spend time with my kids and my husband.  Then, if I am lucky, I steal some time in front of the my laptop to write (my favorite) or edit (not my favorite).

Where to find Jennifer online:



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