5Qs with Wednesday Lee Friday

1.) When did you first consider yourself a writer?

A.) From age 5-11, then not again until my 30's. There was this whole, wide swath of time when I didn't think I could ever "really" be a writer. I thought I needed someone else to tell me I was a writer, instead of just getting the hell out there and writing. Glad I finally figured it out—but wish I'd started 20 years earlier.

2.) What is the hardest part of writing?

A.)  The obvious answer is finding the time to write. For me, it was also believing the work is finished enough to let it be seen by other people. And of course, finding people who actually want to read what you've written. Turns out, writing a novel is the fun, easy

3.) How did you feel upon publication of your first completed project?

A.)  Let down. I was expecting some magical transformation out of obscurity. I thought
strangers would buy my book just because it existed. I had a very, VERY skewed
perception of what publishing was going to bring to me.

4.) In addition to writing, what else are you passionate about?

A.)  Abnormal psychology, sociopolitical issues, carnivorous plants, mentoring young
authors, all things horror.

5.) If you could ask any author, living or dead, one question, what would it be?

A.)  I'd like to ask James Patterson where he gets the balls to call himself a novelist. But
since I don't consider him an "author," I guess that wouldn't count. I'm a horror writer,
am in awe of writers like Jack Ketchum, Stephen King, and Christopher Moore, I would
probably want to ask JK Rowling how in the hell she could kill Colin Creevy. I can't
even discuss it with a dry eye.

For more information about Wednesday Lee Friday visit her website at:

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