HHAC Day 5: Jamie Johnesee

Day five finds us in the presence of an author who has taken a unique look at the Zombie menace, permit me to introduce Jamie Johnesee and her Bob The Zombie series.

Jaime Johnesee lives in Michigan with her husband and two sons. She spent fourteen years as a zookeeper before shifting her focus to writing full time. Widely known for her bestselling horror comedy series, Bob the Zombie, she is currently coauthoring the paranormal horror series, Revelations, for Devil Dog Press as well as working on her Shifters series.

1.) When did you first get serious about writing?
A.) In the fall of 2006 I became serious about writing and in the spring of 2011 I published my first book.

2.) What is the hardest part for you about writing?
A.) For me the hardest part is actually getting the time to write. I set an hour (or more) aside every day to write but with two kids and an old house under restoration it can get tricky. I do make sure to write for at least that one hour every day.

3.) How did you feel upon publication of your first completed project?
A.) I was so excited and proud. I couldn’t wait for the critique to come rolling in so I could learn and grow as an author.

4.) What is more important to you, story, or character? Why?
A.) To me the characters are more important. You can have the greatest story in the world but if the characters are unbelievable and flat it will still suck. A good character can carry, and sometimes make a reader overlook, a bad story.

5.) What is a typical day like in your world?
A.) I’d love to say I get up and chase down bad guys but the truth is I get up and chase down missing socks. I get my eldest off to school and work with my youngest on learning his letters and numbers. When the kids go to bed I sit down and write, usually until three in the morning when I go to bed, and it begins all over again the next morning at seven.

Click on cover for more info or to order

Synopsis: The Misadventures of Bob the Zombie is a collection of novellas about a loveable bumbling zombie who has bad luck rivaled only by Clark Griswold from the National Lampoon’s Vacation movies. Bob is an ordinary guy. He likes classic rock, a good party, and tacos. It's too bad that he is dead. Well, technically speaking, Bob is undead. After an accident claimed his life his mother couldn't bear to bury him. A quick call to a necromancer fixed that problem and, voila…he was reborn! Armed with a quick wit, a sharp intellect, some good friends, and his trusty stapler, Bob embarks on some crazy adventures that will make you laugh, make you cringe, and --most importantly-- make you cheer for Bob to have a happy ending. Get the three previously released Bob novellas, a new never-before-seen novella, and a BONUS short story! Featuring: Bob the Zombie Bob the Spy Bob the Valentine Bob the Mentor and Bob the Hero

Jamie can be found lurking around all her usual haunts.

Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/100525684067368354417/about

Enter for your chance to win an electronic horror library that contains the following ebooks. Simply tweet to your friends about the Halloween Horror Author Countdown, enter as often as you want. On October 31st one lucky winner will be chosen at random to receive a library containing the following titles.

Blood Lily by Jenny Allen
The Misadventures of Bob by Jaime Johnesee
A Jar of Fingers by C.L. Hernendez
A Coin for Charon by Dallas Mullican
The Human Condition by Mark Taylor
Spook Lights by Eden Royce
In the Hands of the Unknown A.E. Hellstrom
Winchester Over by Dave Lund
The Complex by J Rudolph
The Dead Song Legend by Jay Wilburn
Zombie and Chainsaws by Mike Evans
Flight of Destiny by Francis H Powell
Through a Mirror Darkly by Kevin Lucia
Awfully Apetizing by Leod D Fritz
Darkly Wood by Max Power
Walking in the Rain by William Allen

There is more to come and the list will be updated as books are added.

There are several ways to enter to win.

On Twitter tweet the following message:

Have you read The Misadventures of Bob The Zombie? 
#2015HHAC #BookBoost

Don't forget to use the hashtag #2015HHAC so your entries can be tracked.

On Facebook go to my Facebook fan page, like and share the daily post about the countdown.

Or you can comment on any or all of the countdown posts by answering the following question:

What kind of horror do you like?

During the month we will track everyone's activity, assigning each action a number and at the end of the countdown a random number will be drawn. The person whose name appears next to that number will be the winner.
There may also be daily contests as a couple of authors have expressed a desire to hold smaller giveaways on the day of their post. So check back often and enter as many times as you like by tweeting about the contest, don't forget to use the hashtag #2015HHAC so your tweet will be counted.

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