HHAC Day# 13: Shaun Adams

Shaun Adams lives on the Isle of Wight. An avid motorcyclist and model railroad enthusiast. He writes stories. He believes its cathartic. At least, that’s what the voices tell him. So far, he’s seen short stories published online and in print in several magazines. Self published two Kindle short story collections and a paperback short story collection called ‘Jack & Evil’ and he’s currently working on a series of books called ‘Cannibal House.’ Books 1 and 2 of that series are now available as eBooks. He is also working on his first novel. Shaun loves reading. Fantasy, horror, science fiction, westerns, they all influence the stories he writes.
1.)When did you first get serious about writing?

A.)Ha, good question. I’m glad you asked when and not why. Although if you had asked me why I think I might have said it was a bucket list thing. Something I always wanted to do but never quite got around to doing. Anyway, the answer to your question is 2009. I guess the idea was in my head then and I was browsing the net. Somehow I found my way to Writing.com and signed up. I had no great hopes but offered up a couple of short stories and went on to meet (virtually) some amazing people on that site who seemed to think I had a little bit of talent for writing stories.

2.)What is the hardest part for you about writing?

A.)That one is easy to answer…Or is it? Anyone who writes will tell you that procrastination is the writer’s worst enemy. For procrastination see distraction. Actually finding time to shut yourself off from everything, sitting your arse down and making a start is the hardest damn thing to do. There are no short cuts. No tricks. You just have to slog it out. I find the best time is around 3 or 4 am. If I’m awake at that time…And if the juices are flowing you can bet some internal trigger makes sure I am awake. I shuffle off down stairs, make a coffee and I write in the dark silent small hours before dawn.

Click on the cover for more info or to order

3.)How did you feel upon publication of your first completed project?

A.) Well it wasn’t my first completed project. I wrote a lot of short stories and even a few poems while at Writing.com. Every chance I got I entered the daily and monthly contests. Then one day I was emailed on their internal system by a guy who ran a Sci Fi monthly contest. I think I came second out of all the entries. The prize was inclusion in his online magazine. Some Canadian thing, I don’t honestly recall it to well now except to say that I was incredibly proud of what I had done. I am by nature one of those people who doubts their own abilities. That made it all the more special.
Okay, I later found out there was no payment and his readership was around 40 or so people…but that did not matter. That was 40 or so total strangers who would read something I wrote. That was payment enough for me.

4. What is more important to you, story, or character? Why?

A.)Okay, let me ask you a question. A man sits in a room all day every day and nothing ever changes. Does that answer your question?

5.) What is a typical day like in your world?

A.)Can I swear now? No. Okay. I have to work. Bills have to be paid. My job can be stressful. My family can cause stress, bless their little smelly socks. If shit can happen it will. I don’t have any control over all that stuff and time, for me if he was a character then he is  scarier than the grim reaper because he is relentless.

 Shaun's work can be found at his Amazon Author Page

Win your very own  horror library.

Enter for your chance to win an electronic horror library that contains the following ebooks. Simply tweet to your friends about the Halloween Horror Author Countdown, enter as often as you want. On October 31st one lucky winner will be chosen at random to receive a library containing the following titles.

Blood Lily by Jenny Allen
The Misadventures of Bob by Jaime Johnesee
A Jar of Fingers by C.L. Hernendez
A Coin for Charon by Dallas Mullican
The Human Condition by Mark Taylor
Spook Lights by Eden Royce
In the Hands of the Unknown A.E. Hellstrom
Winchester Over by Dave Lund
The Complex by J Rudolph
The Dead Song Legend by Jay Wilburn
Zombie and Chainsaws by Mike Evans
Flight of Destiny by Francis H Powell
Through a Mirror Darkly by Kevin Lucia
Awfully Apetizing by Leod D Fritz
Darkly Wood by Max Power
Family Reunion by P. Mark DeBryan
Cannibal House 1 by Shaun Adams

There is more to come and the list will be updated as books are added.

There are several ways to enter to win.

On Twitter tweet the following message:

Have you read Cannibal House?
https://www.amazon.com/dp/ B00JLDCTD8
#2015HHAC #BookBoost

Don't forget to use the hashtag #2015HHAC so your entries can be tracked.

On Facebook go to my Facebook fan page, like and share the daily post about the countdown.

Or you can comment on any or all of the countdown posts by answering the following question:

What kind of horror do you like?

During the month we will track everyone's activity, assigning each action a number and at the end of the countdown a random number will be drawn. The person whose name appears next to that number will be the winner.

There may also be daily contests as a couple of authors have expressed a desire to hold smaller giveaways on the day of their post. So check back often and enter as many times as you like by tweeting about the contest, don't forget to use the hashtag #2015HHAC so your tweet will be counted.

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