HHAC Day 27: David Reuben Aslin

David is the author of the Ian McDermott Paranormal Investigator series: Loup-garou - The Beast of Harmony Falls (Book I); Red Tide - Vampires of the Morgue (Book II); SCHIZOMEGA - Fresh Meat (Book III). David has also written The Evilution - Rise of the Antichrist (Dark Tomes - Book I)

In addition to being a writer of literary fiction, concentrating on the genres of Horror and Suspense/Thriller, David is an entrepreneur. He is the co-inventor/co-patent holder of the popular beverage dispenser The BrewTender.

David and his wife Denise have five children, all boys. He and his wife reside in Southwest Washington State.

 The Evilution - Rise of the Antichrist (Book I)

Click on cover for more info or to order


Masquerading as the powerful Vatican Bishop, Cardinal David Xzytun — ultimate “Evil” has incarnated with intent to control, as puppet master, a Caesar for his new Roman Empire.
Standing tenuously on the side of hope amidst the encroaching apocalyptic doom is Dr. Paul Bradfield. A man conflicted between rational science and matters of faith regarding unexplained supernatural occurrences, and the horrifying deaths of several of his closest friends.

Only Jennifer Dowling, Bradfield’s true love. And Matt Larsen, his slovenly yet brilliant friend … recognize the unholy phenomenon which has fixated on, or perhaps emanates from Father Joseph, Bradfield’s dearest friend of all. 

What will come of humanity when the clock counts down? Can one man make the difference, and stave-off mankind's ultimate doom at least for the time being? … when all roads appear to lead to one inexorable horrific beginning of the end … that is… The Evilution.

Win your very own  horror library.

Enter for your chance to win an electronic horror library that contains the following ebooks. Simply tweet to your friends about the Halloween Horror Author Countdown, enter as often as you want. On October 31st one lucky winner will be chosen at random to receive a library containing the following titles.

Blood Lily by Jenny Allen
The Misadventures of Bob by Jaime Johnesee
A Jar of Fingers by C.L. Hernendez
A Coin for Charon by Dallas Mullican
The Human Condition by Mark Taylor
Spook Lights by Eden Royce
Mateguas Island by Linda Watkins
In the Hands of the Unknown A.E. Hellstrom
Winchester Over by Dave Lund
The Complex by J Rudolph
The Dead Song Legend by Jay Wilburn
Zombie and Chainsaws by Mike Evans
Flight of Destiny by Francis H Powell
Through a Mirror Darkly by Kevin Lucia
Awfully Apetizing by Leod D Fritz
Darkly Wood by Max Power
Family Reunion by P. Mark DeBryan
Slice Girls by Carmilla Voiez
Cannibal House I by Shaun Adams
Zombies Inside by Rebecca Besser
Dark Crescent by Dev Jarrett
Werewolf Nights by Mari Hamill

Author T.W. Brown has added the first nine books of his Dead Series to the prize pool.

There is more to come and the list will be updated as books are added.

There are several ways to enter to win.

On Twitter tweet the following message:

Have you read Evilution - Rise of the Antichrist?
#2015HHAC #BookBoost

Don't forget to use the hashtag #2015HHAC so your entries can be tracked.

On Facebook go to my Facebook fan page, like and share the daily post about the countdown.

Or you can comment on any or all of the countdown posts by answering the following question:

What kind of horror do you like?

During the month we will track everyone's activity, assigning each action a number and at the end of the countdown a random number will be drawn. The person whose name appears next to that number will be the winner.

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