Falling into a hole.

A little more than a month ago I finished my last project. Since then I've found myself skirting the edges of my next project, unable to dive right in like I used to. I'm hesitating. It's not like I don't have enough work to do, or ideas to pursue.

My goal is to have two more releases out before the end of the year, and one full length manuscript submitted to a publisher. Yes, I'm going to try the traditional route again, I'm not going all in mind you, but I believe there are some works that deserve a better chance at grabbing the brass ring by opening channels that are currently closed to me as a self published writer.

 But first I have to step off that edge.

And that's where I'm hesitating. I know what it takes to complete a work, my wife knows what it takes for me to complete a work. When I told her recently I was about to start another book she said, "well I guess I'll see you in a couploe of months."

No one's going anywhere, not physically at least, whenever I become focused solely on the story I'm writing I tend to go away to my own little place until I'm done. A quiet place in my mind where the story is all there is.

I still go to work every day, and deal with an increasingly frustrating public, I still take care of the dogs when I get home. I still eat dinner, bathe, and sleep regularly. I even still interact with my wife every evening during the one to two hours I give her my undivided attention, but that's a lie really. For when I'm writing a book I'm physically present to handle the day to day functions, but mentally I'm working on the story, fleshing out a character,  or probing the plot for holes.

I'm, on autopilot. 

It's during the writing of the story that time compresses upon itself and I'll wake up one day, several months later, wondering where all the time went. The task will be completed, the work will be done, till next time, and the next, giving a little of myself to each project. Putting everything I have into the story.

It's what writing is all about, at least for me.

Are you the same way?


  1. I do get focused on my writing when I have a new idea, but I can shut it off for things like the day job or hubby. That's actually important because my day job is not one that is conducive to writing. I need to focus on that and not what my characters are doing. I envy the people who have day jobs that let them write too.

    1. I work retail which consists of periods of total boredom punctuated by brief periods of activity during rushes. Performing pointless task such as fronting and facing, and cleaning the shelves, tasks that can be performed on autopilot. It gives me the to allow my mind to wander through my current work in progress. Taking notes when needed for later.
