Fridays Frigths: Lockport Tunnels

Just a thirty minute ride East from Niagara Falls, along the Erie Canal, lay the Lockport Tunnels. Built in the mid eighteen hundreds to supply water power to nearby manufacturers the tunnels were cut from solid stone. At the time safety measures were lacking, and anytime you mix dynamite with the need to finish a project quickly you're bound to make a few mistakes. Of course with dynamite small mistakes have a tendency to quickly develop into larger one. Normally resulting in the death of those involved with the construction.

Lockport Pulp Company, courtesy

Their usefulness replaced by technology the tunnels are now open as a tourist attraction. There have been reports from visitors of faces floating just beneath the surface of the water. The sound of footsteps in vacant sections, and voices coming from places where there was no one present upon investigation.

image courtesy

Ghost Hunters did a segment on the tunnels for SyFy during which they filmed a white mist rising from the ground, an event they were unable to duplicate later. They also captured two voices. One a child's voice that said. Can you show me the way out? Another voice said. I'm not quick enough to make it. The latter would lead one to believe they had just heard the voice of a worker killed in an accident, while the first could be of a child who had become lost.

The Lockport tunnels have their own website  as well as a facebook page. The tour lasts approximately 70 minutes and with the amount of walking involved it's not recommended for those with mobility issues.'


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