Fridays 5 with Gabriel Boutros

Gabriel Boutros has written two full-length novels, The Guilty and Face/Mask, a novella and several short stories. He spent 24 years working as a criminal attorney in Montreal, where he lives with his wife and two sons. As he is a rabid fan of the Montreal Canadians hockey team, he could not imagine living anywhere else.

1.) When did you first get serious about writing?
A.) I’ve been writing as long as I can remember, but I became serious about 15 years ago.  Until then I was mostly a doodler, writing snatches of ideas here and there. Then I was inspired by the life of a friend to write a short story and, to my surprise, had it accepted for publication by a literary review. Since then I’ve developed the discipline to spend the months and months necessary to write a full-length novel twice.

2.) What is the hardest part for you about writing?
A.) Maintaining that very discipline that I just mentioned. There are so many other distractions out there, from family and friends to my day job. It becomes very easy to put writing off for another day. Especially when I start a new novel, knowing how long a journey I have ahead of me, I tend to delay and procrastinate.

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3.) How did you feel upon publication of your first completed project?
A.) It’s hard to describe how excited I was. I kept running around like a little kid, telling everybody I knew that some strangers actually wanted to pay for something I wrote.  A truly proud moment.

4.) What is more important to you, story, or character? Why?
A.) Although I have a general story idea in mind when I start, my characters are what drive my stories. They develop certain personality traits and sometimes I’ve had to adjust my story idea according to what my characters would or would not do. But the stories are always better when they flow honestly from the characters’ traits.

5.) What is a typical day like in your world?
A.)  Go to work; help my youngest son with his homework; read a good book; binge watch whatever is hot on Netflix. Somewhere in there I try to find a few minutes to write. Often I don’t, but when I do, the minutes will stretch to hours and everything else will be ignored.


Don't forget to check back at the beginning of October for my annual Halloween Horror Author Countdown. It's shaping up to be one hell of a month with a growing library of horror for one lucky winner. Stay tuned for more details.  

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